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Building Resilience: A Guide for Parents

Think about the five most successful people you know. On average, they might not be extraordinarily talented, but they excel in one crucial area: resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from or withstand hardships, helping you persist through life's ups and downs.

As a parent, teaching resilience to your children can be challenging, especially while their cognitive skills are still developing. Here are some techniques to help your child develop this vital skill, along with ways to model resilience in your own life.

Stay Connected with Others

During tough times—physically, emotionally, or mentally—it’s natural to withdraw. While alone time can be beneficial, having a support system can make you stronger. Let go of the notion that strong people handle everything alone. Maintain relationships and be a support system for your child through daily conversations. Show them that seeking help is a sign of strength.

Cultivate Optimism

Having high hopes makes it...

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8 Tips to Boost Your Child's Self-Esteem

A child can never have too much self-esteem. On the other hand, the outcomes for children with low self-esteem can be quite poor. As a parent, your child’s level of self-esteem is largely your responsibility. There is much you can do to make your child feel confident and competent.

Children are sensitive and have a peer group that can be quite harsh, so what you do at home matters. It’s vital that your child have a reserve of self-esteem that can survive the unpleasantness of other kids.

Give your child the best chance to be happy and successful.

Use these strategies to help your child feel good about themselves:

Love your child unconditionally. Every child should believe they are loved unconditionally. Every child should believe that no matter what mistake they makes or failure they suffer that they are still loved.

Consider the impact it has on a child’s self-esteem when she believes she’s only loved when she behaves a certain way or achieves a certain...

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How can you strengthen your bond with your tween during this part of their life? Download 4 actions you can take now to support your daughter.